22 Jun 2019

Wooden Street Celebrates 5th International Yoga Day by Making a Posture not a Pose

Calling yoga a “passport for well-being and unifying force”, PM Narendra Modi initiated the ritual of International Yoga Day five years ago on this date. YOGA is the best way to unplug, rest, reset and rejuvenate the body and mind which discovers th

Blog of the day

Calling yoga a “passport for well-being and unifying force”, PM Narendra Modi initiated the ritual of International Yoga Day five years ago on this date.

YOGA is the best way to unplug, rest, reset and rejuvenate the body and mind which discovers the sense of oneness with yourself, the mother nature and the world.

With the advent of modern technology, the 9-6 schedule requires sitting in front of the computer for long hours. For this, Yoga works as an antidote to remove all the stress and tension.

To uptick the welfare of Wooden Street's people, we are all geared up to pull out chairs to mark the fifth International Day of Yoga. Today, we invited Beena Bhati from the Rising Yoga Studio for the small Yoga session.

And what exactly is it all about?

Whether you sense bad juju coming from hectic schedule or body sickness letting you feel down, Yoga is undoubtedly proved to be your true calling.

Tadaaah !!

Adding to that, a modified twist on traditional yoga makes way to our workplace in the form of 'Chair Yoga'. The whole team bent, swivelled, twisted and produced the vibration of 'OM' together during meditation. This 30-minute session is wrapped up with laughter therapy which is considered as the best medicine for a healthy and happy life.

On this yoga day, promise yourself to boost concentration, get calm, laugh louder and live 'Rog-free' life.

Make these promises to yourself for making #EveryDayYogaDay, and keep it forever.

P.S.- Bend to mend ways of healthy life!

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