
This Dussehra, decorate your home in a way that positivity, prosperity and happiness win over all the negativity in your home. Interior designers from Wooden Street bring you a few tips to boost up yourself and your space and decorate it tastefully.
Dussehra, or Vijayadashami, celebrates the victory of Lord Ram over the mighty demon king of Lanka, Ravana. This is the time when festival comes in a bunch; Navratra, Dussehra and Deepawali, back-to-back. Whenever we think about any festival, the first thing that comes in our mind is decorating our home sweet home. With Dussehra, everyone starts decorating their house to make it festival-ready. This Dussehra, decorate your home in a way that positivity, prosperity and happiness win over all the negativity in your home. Here are a few tips to boost up yourself and your space and decorate it tastefully on Dussehra:
Make your place clutter-free for a better life:
The first step towards a better life is to make it clutter-free. And the first step towards a clean home is the same. It is a rule of thumb. If you’ve no need of something, and it is accumulating dust for the past three years, you won’t need it at all. Most people like to hoard unnecessary things, but apart from taking up space, they also carry negative energy. So, clean your house, sweep every corner and trunks, and throw or give anything that you don’t need or use anymore. Don’t forget to make your Pooja room clutter free before Dussehra and make space for positive vibes.
Rearrange your furniture to freshen up your home:
Dussehra is marked as a day when Lord Ram killed the evil Ravana. In your home, you too should get rid of old and unused furniture, which is lying around. If replacing is not necessary, then relocate or rearrange the furniture for a fresh look. Rearranging your furniture can change the look of your place in an instant, and you will find your place to be more interesting and artful than before. Even according to Vastushastra and Feng Shui, moving 27 things in your home works wonders. So, you can try to move around 27 things in your home and see what changes it brings to your life.
Freshness to eliminate negativity:
Fresh flowers are the best way to bring the festive hues and soothing affects. Flowers not only make a place fragrant but are also pleasing to the eyes, and refresh our mind and body. Decorate your Pooja Ghar, doors and windows with a garland of flowers. Don’t forget to decorate your main entrance by hanging flowers or Toran. Undoubtedly, it will beautify your home’s entrance, and it is believed that it brings peace, luck and harmony within your home.
Brighten up your space with lights for happiness all around:
Lights give a divine and pristine look to your place. You can also brighten up your entrance gate with strings of colourful LED lights or spotlights for a dramatic effect. You can also add these strings of colourful LED lights in your room for festive styling. Spread lights as much as you can as Dussehra is the festival of overcoming darkness.
Beautiful entrances to bring home positivity:
Clean, beautiful and artistically designed entrances attract positive energy. First of all, replace cracked, broken and faulty main entrance doors, if any. Brighten your home on Dussehra with beautiful and colorful lights and focus on the entrance, as it needs to be brightly lit up. If possible, decorate the main gate with green plants, as greenery brings freshness and positivity.
Sprinkle colours with beautiful Rangoli Patterns:
Rangoli is an integral part of our culture and no festival is complete without it. It is made of colourful sand/powder or colourful flower petals. You can make rangoli patterns near the entrance and Pooja Ghar. Rangoli has an eternal power to influence and change the environment, the entire house and its residents. Rangoli designs encourage positive energy to enter your home. For instance, wavy rangoli opens doors for a new opportunity and helps in clarity of mind. So, design a beautiful rangoli pattern near your entrance to purify the environment from evil spirits.
Decorating your home according to the Hindu traditions can be helpful in bringing the positivity and prosperity into the house, and when paired with the modern designs, it would ultimately result in an aesthetically appealing interior. To make this festival more joyful, celebrate this by distributing sweets and gifts to your family, friends and relatives. Celebrate the festival of victory of good over evil with a lot of fun and entertainment.
Team Wooden Street wishes you Happy Dusshera.
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