
If you fail as everyone sometimes will; If the road you're stumbling seems all uphill; When the funds are little, and the debts are bigger; And you want to enjoy, but you have to despair, When everyone is pressing you down a bit, Your dad is th
If you fail as everyone sometimes will;
If the road you're stumbling seems all uphill;
When the funds are little, and the debts are bigger;
And you want to enjoy, but you have to despair,
When everyone is pressing you down a bit,
Your dad is there to tell, “don't quit”
A hero of your life? Best Buddy? A Discipline Creator? A 24*7 problem solver? Story-teller? Sometimes singer? And, there are many in a row! Fathers are truly the most ordinary men turned by many different roles in our life.
With 16th June on the calendars, tomorrow is the day of every unsung hero i.e., Your FATHER. It is a day of every man, be it father, brother, uncle, a mother-cum-father, or those who act as a father figure in our life.
But, amidst the busy 9-6 schedule or daily chaos, we often forget to express the love that they deserve.
Here’s the tribute post from Wooden Street family to their doting daddies, to say thanks for unconditional love, care and support they have given.
So, we are celebrating Father’s Day in a way where “EVERY FATHER IS DIFFERENT YET SAME.”
aithful - From Lokendra Ranawat
Wherever I am today is because of my father. He is protective but at the same time, he used to push me to explore the things. His faith made me to take risks in life. I still remember when I told him about leaving a job in London and wanted to start this company & in a single thought, he was like "Go for it, son!"
lways There - From Charu Singhvi
‘He's always there for me every time’, this is the first thing that comes to my mind when it's about my father! Whether its something related to work or I crave for a little pampering, he is always there by my side. Also, being a professor, he always inspires me to work hard. He is my true inspiration. Happy Fathers Day Papa, lots of love!
rustworthy - From Kinjal Mehta
Happy Father's Day to my Super Dad. From being a strict dad to a friend with whom I can share and talk about life, thank you, Papa, for always trusting me and giving me the sky to fly. One of the best childhood memories which I cherish is when I got 0 in my maths class test, and I was crying so hard, but he couldn't see me like that and make it 10/10 so that momma wouldn’t shout on me. Love you, daddy!
onouring - From Prince Sharma
What I love about my father the most is that he has a strong sense of humor. From my childhood to till date, he never scolded me and always saved me from Mom ;) Wink! Being from an army background, he taught me to maintain a disciplined life. Happy Father's Day, Papa!
ver-Loving - From Mamta Agnani
So, I am exactly like my father when it comes to emotions. He has taught me to be kind, bold, independent, and of course, ever-loving. I remember, after my 12th when I was leaving my home town for my graduation, he cried for the first time in front of me. At that time, he told me that now he knows I will visit home as a guest, but where ever I will be, he will be with me to support no matter what. Thank you, Papa, for everything each day I wish for your happy and healthy life!
ighteous - From Chetan Sharma
My motivator, inspiration & above all my best buddy, my father have always stood by me through my thick and thin. I still love remembering those time when he used to bring gifts for me & always make me happy. This one day he told me that ‘a righteous man is known first from his attire than for his talks' still remain active in my mind. He also taught me that honesty is the best policy in life & following it will not let you defeat anywhere. Love you, Papa!
upportive - From Suresh Kumawat
Dear Papa, Happy Fathers Day! It's hard to explain my feelings in words when it comes to my Father. Just mean that I always love him. He guided me to be supportive and sincere in life. Also, he suggests me to keep a balance between budgeting and life's expenses. And, being a father, I also support my child in the same way.
Feeling emo? Its true that sometimes we fail to convey the appreciation and adoration which we have for our fathers. They might not even ask for it ever. But, expressing sometimes can make them feel loved for lifetime.
So, make your hearts cry out loud. Show your father some love not only today but forever in some or the other way. Give him a card. Take him out for lunch. Share your laughs and cries with him. Celebrate the bond you have built together!
“Loved you once, love you still
Always have and always will."
- Dedicated to all the Pa, Papa, Dad, Dedaa, Daddy out there and of course to the single moms pulling double duty!
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