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Your feedback is valuable to us. Please share more details about your experience, so we can help improve WoodenStreet for everyone.
The design of this 3-seater wooden sofa is simply stunning. Its elegant and timeless look fits perfectly with my home decor.
Subhasish Ghosh, Hyderabad
5 Months ago
Recent Review
4 Highly recommended
I absolutely love my new sofa! Its not only a beautiful piece of furniture but also incredibly comfortable. The honey wood finish is gorgeous, and it complements my decor perfectly.
I ordered this Marriott Wooden Sofa from WoodenStreet and they never laid down my expectations. I would rate 5 out of 5 stars for the delivery services and it was assembled very nicely. All the family members liked my choice and suggested to buy more furniture products from WS. Happy with the purchase!
5 Months ago
Recent Review
5 Amazing
This wooden sofa is extremely beautiful and spacious. I must say it is made out of very good quality wood and the finish is done very carefully and with very high precision. Highly satisfied with the product as well as prompt services by wooden Street.