07 Jan 2021

The Ideal Direction to Place the Shoe Rack

Purchasing a Shoe Rack? Know about the right placement directions & the ones you should totally avoid.

Table of Content
  1. Against the Wall
  2. In the Closet
  3. In the Entryway
  4. Factors to Consider When Choosing the Ideal Direction to Place the Shoe Rack:
  5. Related Blogs - 

A shoe rack gives a systematic arrangement to all your footwear. Getting one is easy but the placement of your shoe rack may require a lot of wisdom. As per Hindu Mythology "Vastu Shastra" is the traditionally accepted science of architecture and plays a major role in the design, layout, and structure of present-day Indian homes. While the structure and interior of some homes are typically designed keeping in mind the Vastu norms, there are some small things to be taken care of. One such thing is the correct placement of the shoe rack. Vastu Shastra even describes the correct placement of shoe racks in your house, which can bring fortune to your lives and controvert, a wrong placement can hinder growth and opportunities. Below are described the directions and areas in an apartment, where one should and should not place a shoe rack.

The Ideal Directions to Place a Shoe Rack:

Now that you know the don’ts, let’s take a look at some of the best practices which you can follow while placing the shoe racks.

  • Place your shoe rack in the west or south-west direction.
  • If keeping it at the entrance is the only option, keep it outside the door and avoid holding the shoe racks at the inside entrance.
  • Your shoe racks can find a place in the living room of the house. The ideal position for situating a shoe rack is the south-west corner of the main hall or porch.
  • Keep your shoe racks clean and well arranged as the unclean shoe racks brim up negativity in the house.
  • Keep your shoes well organized and avoid stacking, to ease up the work; you can get shelves or cabinets as per the availability of space.

Even if you are not a Vastu believer, these tips will help you to give a more neat and disciplined look to your house. Keeping cleanliness is not only advised by Vastu but is essential for a healthy environment too. Cluttered shoes make your place look disorganized, giving an unpleasant feeling, and putting your shoe racks at the entrance or in the bedroom can give an irrupt look as these areas have limited space. Following the tips is not harmful to anyone, and may bequeath you some advantages.

If you are searching for a stylish shoe rack for your place, do have a look at the exclusive collection of wooden shoe racks on our online wooden furniture store. For more updates about the interior and furniture designs stay tuned.

There are three ideal directions to place a shoe rack: against the wall, in the closet, and in the entryway.

Against the Wall

Placing a shoe rack against the wall is one of the most common ways to store shoes. It is especially ideal for those with limited floor space. A wall-mounted shoe rack is an excellent option for those who want to keep their shoes off the floor and create more space. It is also easier to keep the shoes organized on a wall-mounted shoe rack.

Tips for Organizing Shoes on a Wall-Mounted Shoe Rack

One tip for organizing shoes on a wall-mounted shoe rack is to sort them by type. For example, place dress shoes together and athletic shoes together. This way, it is easier to find the right pair of shoes quickly.

In the Closet

Keeping a shoe rack in the closet is another great way to save space. It is also an ideal option for those who do not want their shoes on display. A closet shoe rack is perfect for those who want to keep their shoes hidden but still organized.

Tips for Organizing Shoes in the Closet

One tip for organizing shoes in the closet is to use hanging shoe racks. Hanging shoe racks are an excellent way to save floor space while also keeping shoes organized. Another tip is to place shoes that are worn frequently at eye level to make them easier to find.

In the Entryway

Keeping a shoe rack in the entryway is ideal for those who want to keep their shoes organized and easy to find. An entryway shoe rack is also an excellent option for those who want to keep their shoes off the floor and prevent dirt and mud from getting tracked into the house.

Tips for Organizing Shoes in the Entryway

One tip for organizing shoes in the entryway is to use a shoe rack with multiple tiers. A multi-tiered shoe rack is ideal for families with multiple members, as it provides enough space for everyone's shoes. Another tip is to use a shoe tray underneath the shoe rack to catch any dirt and mud that may fall off the shoes.

Never Place Here:

To increase the positivity & energy inside your home, there are some particular places where placement of shoe racks should always be avoided. Take a look:

  • A shoe rack should never be placed on the entrance of the house as it is believed that the main door is where goddess "Lakshmi" resides. A rack on the entrance creates blockage and generates stress in the mind and blocks the money.
  • Never place the shoe racks in the bedroom.
  • Never keep a clutter of shoes in front of the main door.
  • Never place the shoe racks in the North, South-East, or East direction. The east section is enhanced to generate prosperity and positivity in a house. So try keeping this section as clean as possible and avoid keeping things like a broom, cleaning clothes, shoe racks, etc.
  • Never place a shoe rack near the place of worship. Maintain a suitable gap between the temple of the house and the shoe stand.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Ideal Direction to Place the Shoe Rack:

There are several factors to consider when choosing the ideal direction to place the shoe rack. These factors include space availability, household members' preferences, shoe type, and frequency of use.

  1. Space Availability

    The first factor to consider when choosing the ideal direction to place the shoe rack is space availability. If you have limited floor space, a wall-mounted shoe rack or closet shoe rack may be the best option. On the other hand, if you have ample floor space, an entryway shoe rack may be the ideal choice.
  2. Household Members' Preferences

    The second factor to consider is household members' preferences. For example, if someone in the household prefers not to have their shoes on display, a closet shoe rack may be the best option. Similarly, if someone in the household wants their shoes organized by type and color, it may be best to choose a shoe rack that allows for this level of organization.
  3. Shoe Type and Frequency of Use

    The third factor to consider is shoe type and frequency of use. Shoes that are worn frequently should be placed in a location that is easy to access, such as in the entryway or by the front door. Shoes that are worn less often can be stored in a closet or on a wall-mounted shoe rack.

In conclusion, the direction of a shoe rack matters. Placing the shoe rack in the right direction can help maximize space, prevent shoes from getting damaged, and make them easier to find. The ideal directions to place a shoe rack are against the wall, in the closet, and in the entryway. When choosing the ideal direction to place the shoe rack, it is important to consider factors such as space availability, household members' preferences, and shoe type and frequency of use. By taking these factors into account, you can find the perfect location for your shoe rack and enjoy the benefits of proper shoe storage.

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Astropsychicdev 12 Sep 2023 Reply
Great article This informative piece on the ideal direction to place a shoe rack provides practical insights for optimizing space and aesthetics in our homes Its a mustread for anyone looking to enhance their interior design while maintaining functionality Kudos to the author for sharing such valuable tips
↷ WS team
RohitAttri 07 Aug 2023 Reply
Great tips I never realized the direction of the shoe rack could make such a difference in the overall aesthetics of the room Thanks for sharing
↷ WS team
Bapi Saha 31 Aug 2022 Reply
Ramona ji it is east wall
↷ WS team
diya 03 Aug 2022 Reply
Thankyou woodenstreet for providing such worthy information what if my house is east facing and i cand keep shoe rack out of the parking zone
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Chitra 30 Nov -0001 Reply
Very informative article Thanks for sharing
↷ WS team
Prabhakar M V 08 Jun 2022 Reply
Im PrabhakarMy problem is that we donot have other option to place shoeracks on Southwest directionwe keep it corner of North East facing north direction
↷ WS team
Ramona 27 Sep 2021 Reply
Thank you for the article. I need some clarity on the placement of shoe rack. East, North and South East direction to be avoided. So does it mean it shouldn't be kept against the east wall or shouldn't be facing east wall?
↷ WS team
Sudhir 29 May 2021 Reply
Good insights , and information . Nice designs
↷ WS team
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