
With so much of social development across the country where feminism has achieved heights, hundreds of schemes have come up, still we are fighting for equality on all fronts. When we talk about women in India, there remains a lot to be done in terms
Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devata ।
Yatraitaastu Na Pujyante Sarvaastatrafalaah Kriyaah ।।
Meaning: "Where women are honoured , divinity blossoms there; and where they are dishonored, all action remains unfruitful."
It’s 24th January, 2020, The National Girl Child Day.
With so much of social development across the country where feminism has achieved heights, hundreds of schemes have come up, still we are fighting for equality on all fronts.
When we talk about women in India, there remains a lot to be done in terms of equality, education and much more. And, for the girl child, the struggle is even more.
With these 7 points, we have tried to take a small initiative to make people aware about the sensitivity of this topic, as we need a change, the nation needs a change!
And if not now, then when?
1. Say what?
2. Are you wishing for a boy child? Think again!
3. Bricks or books? You decide.
4. She too wants to live. Let her.
5. Show a girl child love and care, child marriage is just not fair!
6. Kill the dowry system, not the girl child!
7. Save the girl child: Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
Imagine it’s 2020, and we’re still writing about all this; spreading awareness. Let’s come together today and take a pledge to save the girl child. So that, 10 years down the line, there’s nobody writing or spreading awareness.
Let’s fix it together, for a better tomorrow.
If you agree with us in bringing a positive change into the society, then do share your views in the comments section below.
We’ll be coming up with more such stories, stay tuned:)
Team WoodenStreet wishes you a very Happy National Girl Child Day!
Image Source: Google
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